Five Ways to get your Brand Noticed with PPC

Getting noticed on search engines is becoming more of a challenge for brands and advertisers as competition for keywords continues to grow. Google is also always updating its algorithm and which makes us wonder if it’s even possible to effectively navigate the topsy-turvy PPC world.

We have learned it’s all about understanding how to approach PPC in this time of expanded search while keeping the user’s experience top priority. Here are five ways to get noticed more, starting today. 

1. Follow Google’s Guidelines

Google now has an ad blocker as part of its Chrome browser. But it’s only targeting the ones that are overly intrusive and interfere with the user experience. 

PPC is still one of the best ways to build your brand; you just need to learn to adapt your PPC strategy. If you want to avoid attention from Chrome’s ad blocker, have your website stay from ads consumers consider to be “least preferred.” That includes:

  • Pop-ups
  • Autoplay with sound
  • Prestitial ads with a countdown
  • Ad density higher than 30%
  • Flashing animated ads
  • Full-screen rollover ads on mobile
  • Large sticky ads

2. Regularly check Search terms

In PPC, the best strategy means being adaptable and staying on top of consumer trends that other brands don’t catch on to right away. This starts with constantly paying attention to the keywords your target audience is using right now, not what they were using last year or even last month. Each year, countless new keywords are introduced into the PPC market. These are fueled by trends, news and new products. 

It takes about a month of search data before a keyword can be ranked. Smart brands looking to build their images will want to keep an eye on the trends in their industries. If you’re beginning to hear keyword rumblings that are growing louder, jump on them in the beginning instead of waiting for them to become mainstream. Your brand will already be growing by the time your competitors catch on. 

3. Mobile Optimisation

In general, users are increasing the amount of time that they spend on mobile devices. More time invested in mobile search automatically means more exposure to mobile advertising. 

Developing a PPC strategy with the mobile consumer in mind doesn’t need to be challenging. All you need to do is take into consideration the why and how of the ways consumers are using their mobile devices. Chances are you’re a mobile consumer yourself, so this shouldn’t be that difficult.

When developing your PPC strategy, think about how your ad looks on mobile and if your ad copy is mobile friendly, and make sure that your PPC ads bring the user to a mobile-friendly landing page.

The use of apps like Google Assistant and Siri are bringing voice search to the point that it’s more mainstream than ever. 

To get noticed in voice search, you need to tailor your PPC strategy to the way people are speaking when using voice devices. This involves first understanding why your audience might be using voice searches. Secondly, building your brand with voice search means building a PPC campaign that includes top voice search keywords, including both long-tail and local keywords. 

5. Pay Attention to Audiences 

It’s time to stop focusing so much on the keywords and instead pay more attention to the people using them. 

Audience targeting puts your brand in front of the section of the market that is most likely to convert to real customers. Businesses are developing PPC strategies that are focused on details like geography, demographics, and live events. 

Google is making it easier for brands to accomplish this by offering more tools that help brands target their audiences. Now is the time to invest in the tools Google offers to help your brand do this.

These five strategies for building your brand awareness through PPC can produce major results for your business. The only thing you need to do is get started.